At least the neighbors knew she was nuts…

They just didn’t think she was dangerous. Chicago Tribune:

“She was the weird, weird, weird lady who lived across the hall,” said Eric R. Newell, 36, who works for a National Football League sports agent. “We always called her the crazy lady.”His wife, Kristy, recalled that LaRose “talked to her cats all the time.”

The Newells, who moved out of the four-unit building about 18 months ago, said LaRose rarely left her apartment except at night, when she would go drinking and get into fights. They never heard her discuss politics or extremist plots, they said.

“We knew she was crazy,” Newell said. “We never knew she was dangerous.”

And the boyfriend claims to be clueless.

Usually after a murderer is discovered in their midst the neighbors tell the press–he was so quiet, maybe did odd jobs around the neighborhood.

This description is a bit too broad:

“She appeared to be one of those people who spend a lot of time online and go to all these radical websites and chat rooms,” said one law enforcement source, who, like others interviewed, requested anonymity when discussing the case.

I guess we’re safe because we talk about politics a lot.