Santorum V. Sharpton on Abortion in the Black Community

 First, Al Sharpton never addresses the question of abortion. Second, he completely dismissed the meaning of what Rick Santorum was saying.

 Rick Santorum was saying that it wasn’t until the 14th amendment that U.S. recognized blacks as fully human. Once that amendment passed they were then considered “persons” under the constitution. The court case that legalized abortion in this country said that a fetus was not a person, not that it wasn’t human. Science says that a baby is human life upon conception; that is not in dispute, nor was it the basis of Roe V. Wade. 

 Some of the arguments to keep abortion legal in this country use the 14th amendment as the constitutionality of it; pregnancy is the same thing as slavery, therefore forcing a woman to go through with a pregnancy she is being held captive by the fetus. So, it isn’t that the baby is not considered human life; it is that it isn’t considered a person under the law. There is a distinction that Sharpton completely overlooks.

I also love how he completely glosses over Margaret Sanger’s role in Planned Parenthood and what her intentions for the black community really was. This from the same man who called Glenn Beck a race baiter and hater because he held a rally to restore honor and faith in our country on the anniversary of MLK’s I Have a Dream Speech. He doesn’t even seem to understand the hypocrisy.

Al Sharpton is a man who is a Reverend and a civil rights activist and the question he was being asked is why as a black man was he ok for a fetus to be treated as not a person the same way slaves were at the time of the founding of this country, one that he would not or could not answer.  He also has sat back and allowed people to call Senator Santorum a racist when it is Santorum who is trying to stop the destruction of the black family that abortion has tried to do.  Rev. Al, you should be ashamed of yourself. 

Go and take a gander at the comments written under this video on you tube; Santorum is the racist and Sharpton is the man who is trying to help the black community.  How did their thinking get so backwards?