Shame on you Mr. Cain – Shame on you

Today, Herman Cain made a return visit to Fox News Sunday.  During his interview with Chris Wallace Mr. Cain invoked a liberal talking point.  Mr. Cain wrongly believes that Murfreesboro has the right to deny permits to build a Mosque. 

Our Constitution guarantees separation of church and state

Oh, really Mr. Cain?  Where in the Constitution does it say that?  Mr. Cain am I safe to presume that you feel it is OK for the ACLU to continue its assault on Christmas celebrations?  Because this is the exact same talking point that is used to stop Christmas trees being put up in town squares across the country.  This is the same talking point that allows someone other than the student to decide what they say in their valedictorian speech.  This is the same talking point that liberals have been using for close to century to deny the fact that the founding fathers wanted to create a country where ALL were allowed to worship openly, publicly, and how they so choose. 

If I want the right to stand up and defend this right against the assaults to faith I see coming from the left, then I must, in good conscience, stand up against the very same assault that I see coming from the right.  One of the great things about this country is that you are free to or free not to worship. 

This statement is nothing more than fear; fear of radical Islam.  Radical Islam is something to fear.  Radical Islam does exist in this world.  There is such a thing as creeping Sharia.  But, for a potential presidential nominee to stand up and display this type of broadbrushing of an entire population of people in this country boggles the mind.  This statement is basically saying that every Muslim in this country has been radicalized.  This statement is wrong, ignorant, and just downright stupid.  I know Muslims that came to this country to escape the extremism that they witnessed in their home countries.  They came to this country to be free to worship as they chose to, not the way groups like the Taliban, Hamas and Hezbollah were trying to tell them they had to worship.  They are no more likely to strap a bomb on themselves in the name of Allah than I am. 

The last thing we need is yet another president that doesn’t understand what is in the Constitution or is willing to pervert it in order to justify a unconsitutional stance.  We have had plenty of those and that is one of the reasons that we are in the mess that we are in. 

Go here and read some accounts of a conservative who lives in that community.   If we allow fear to change who we are as a country and as a people, the terrorists have won. I stand with the Constitution.  I hope you will join me.